Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2024-04-25, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Team Stats

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NamePlayersG# of Games
# of Games
TSVFTotal Serves Faced
Opposing server's Total Serves (Serves Made + Double Faults)
Serve receives where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
AD%Aced %
Aced / Total Serves Faced
WRWeak Receives
A poor receive that forced a difficult set to be playable
WR%Weak Receive %
Weak Receives / Total Serves Faced
NTADNo-Touch Aced
Serve receives that are not touched by the receiver (from successful serves)
NTAD%No-Touch Aced %
No-Touch Aced / Total Aced
1TAD1-Touch Aced
Serve receives that are not touched by the setter (from successful serves)
1TAD%1-Touched Aced %
1-Touch Aced / Total Serves Faced
16Dewey DisciplesKevin Bailey & Thomas Hamilton358130.2250.0940.3190.69
17Seg FaultRahul Murthy & Garrett Hornok591200.2260.0780.40120.60
18Flexual HealingJarratt Rouse & Travis Core24190.2230.0791.0000.00
19Tiki TakaLuke Marshall & Matthew Cole24190.2250.1240.4450.56
20Who CaresKyle Walsh & Josiah Dombach24190.2220.0520.2270.78
21LuciferVanya Melnykovych & Jakub Visek8166360.22110.07160.44200.56
22Cho & ChuDavid Gonzales & Patric Chu482170.2150.06150.8820.12
23Peng and BummEric Kaiser & Mario Bürkle6113230.2090.08100.43130.57
24Ultra Sexy BaddiesGrant Laughlin & Addison Powers359120.2000.0050.4270.58
25Ritto BoysColeman Epperson & Ryder Rivadeneyra25473940.20250.05250.27670.71
26Lee and BushiAustin Rawlings & Ben Burnett23670.1900.0020.2950.71
27LowkeyDawson Morgan & Taylor Church10178340.19110.06170.50170.50
28Spicy RubiDaniel McPartland & Anthony Rentsch363120.1930.05121.0000.00
29BoysterousPreston Bies & Caleb Heck11216410.19160.07220.54180.44
30Yip YipChase Meyer & Konor Prelich11630.1900.0010.3320.67
Glossary Reference