Preston Bies

Player Stats

Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2025-02-23, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Tournaments Teams Series Games


NameG# of Games
# of Games
RPRRoundnet Player Rating
1.57* (RPR Hitting + RPR Defense + RPR Serving + RPR Efficiency)
RPMRoundnet Plus Minus
(Breaks - Broken)/ Total Games
Points won when serving
Points lost when receiving
BK%Break %
Breaks / Total Serves
SPStrong Plays
Strong Hits + Strong Sets + Strong Serve Receives + Strong Defensive Touches
WPWeak Plays
Weak Hits + Weak Sets + Weak Serve Receives + Weak Defensive Touches
Hitting Errors + Defensive Touch Errors + Setting Errors
Games won
2019 Nationals378.63-1.00470.146421
2018 Nationals283.50-1.00570.262320
2016 Nationals383.70-1.67380.106432
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021684.77-1.0013190.240713
2021 Nationals266.74-3.00280.141100
Name# of GamesRoundnet Player RatingRoundnet Plus MinusBreaksBrokenBreak %Strong PlaysWeak PlaysErrorsWins
Glossary Reference


NamePlayersG# of Games
# of Games
RPRRoundnet Player Rating
1.57* (RPR Hitting + RPR Defense + RPR Serving + RPR Efficiency)
RPMRoundnet Plus Minus
(Breaks - Broken)/ Total Games
Points won when serving
Points lost when receiving
BK%Break %
Breaks / Total Serves
SPStrong Plays
Strong Hits + Strong Sets + Strong Serve Receives + Strong Defensive Touches
WPWeak Plays
Weak Hits + Weak Sets + Weak Serve Receives + Weak Defensive Touches
Hitting Errors + Defensive Touch Errors + Setting Errors
Games won
BoysterousPreston Bies & Caleb Heck1179.82-1.3619340.2071234
Wabi SabiPreston Bies & Jarratt Rouse283.50-1.00570.262320
2 GuysPreston Bies & Troy Mauk383.70-1.67380.106432
NamePlayers# of GamesRoundnet Player RatingRoundnet Plus MinusBreaksBrokenBreak %Strong PlaysWeak PlaysErrorsWins
Glossary Reference


NameG# of Games
# of Games
RPRRoundnet Player Rating
1.57* (RPR Hitting + RPR Defense + RPR Serving + RPR Efficiency)
RPMRoundnet Plus Minus
(Breaks - Broken)/ Total Games
Points won when serving
Points lost when receiving
BK%Break %
Breaks / Total Serves
SPStrong Plays
Strong Hits + Strong Sets + Strong Serve Receives + Strong Defensive Touches
WPWeak Plays
Weak Hits + Weak Sets + Weak Serve Receives + Weak Defensive Touches
Hitting Errors + Defensive Touch Errors + Setting Errors
Games won
2018 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Wabi Sabi283.50-1.00570.262320
2019 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Boysterous378.63-1.00470.146421
2016 Nationals Final Chico Spikes vs 2 Guys383.70-1.67380.106432
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 Semifinals Boysterous vs Sloppy Seconds383.20-1.676110.230211
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 True 2nd Lipping Vicarryously vs Boysterous386.35-0.33780.250502
2021 Nationals Semifinals Ritto Boys vs Boysterous266.74-3.00280.141100
Name# of GamesRoundnet Player RatingRoundnet Plus MinusBreaksBrokenBreak %Strong PlaysWeak PlaysErrorsWins
Glossary Reference


NameRPRRoundnet Player Rating
1.57* (RPR Hitting + RPR Defense + RPR Serving + RPR Efficiency)
RPMRoundnet Plus Minus
(Breaks - Broken)/ Total Games
Points won when serving
Points lost when receiving
BK%Break %
Breaks / Total Serves
SPStrong Plays
Strong Hits + Strong Sets + Strong Serve Receives + Strong Defensive Touches
WPWeak Plays
Weak Hits + Weak Sets + Weak Serve Receives + Weak Defensive Touches
Hitting Errors + Defensive Touch Errors + Setting Errors
Games won
2016 Nationals Final Chico Spikes vs 2 Guys 1105.02-2.00240.153111
2016 Nationals Final Chico Spikes vs 2 Guys 377.45-1.00120.112111
2016 Nationals Final Chico Spikes vs 2 Guys 268.64-2.00020.001210
2018 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Wabi Sabi 282.60-2.00350.330120
2018 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Wabi Sabi 184.400.00220.202200
2019 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Boysterous 371.87-2.00350.250110
2019 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Boysterous 191.780.00110.115111
2019 Nationals Final Cisek/Showalter vs Boysterous 272.24-1.00010.001200
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 Semifinals Boysterous vs Sloppy Seconds 174.47-2.00240.220110
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 Semifinals Boysterous vs Sloppy Seconds 298.070.00220.220001
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 Semifinals Boysterous vs Sloppy Seconds 377.04-3.00250.250100
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 True 2nd Lipping Vicarryously vs Boysterous 1111.32-1.00120.120200
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 True 2nd Lipping Vicarryously vs Boysterous 275.13-1.00450.330201
Spikeball Tour Stop: Rock Hill 2021 True 2nd Lipping Vicarryously vs Boysterous 372.601.00210.250101
2021 Nationals Semifinals Ritto Boys vs Boysterous 187.85-1.00230.221100
2021 Nationals Semifinals Ritto Boys vs Boysterous 245.63-5.00050.000000
NameRoundnet Player RatingRoundnet Plus MinusBreaksBrokenBreak %Strong PlaysWeak PlaysErrorsWins
Glossary Reference