< Spikeball Tour Stop: Richmond 2021

Spikeball Tour Stop: Richmond 2021 Final Rally Cats vs Graham/Rogers

Sept. 4, 2021

Rally %


Rally % on Played Serves


Avg Rally Length


Rallies Per Game


Avg Change of Possession per Point

Players Teams Series Games


NameG# of Games
# of Games
TSTTotal Sets
Strong Sets + Weak Sets + Normal Sets + Missed Sets + Setting Errors
STPMSetting Plus Minus
((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * Partner Put Away %)/Total Games; But if weak sets > strong sets, then: ((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * (1 - Partner Put Away %))/Total Games
SSTStrong Sets
An amazing set that salvaged a point a team was not expected to keep alive
SST%Strong Set %
Strong Sets / Total Sets
WSTWeak Sets
A poor set that missed the net or forced a bad hit
WST%Weak Set %
Weak Sets / Total Sets
NSTNormal Sets
A set that did not receive a strong or weak designation
NST%Normal Set %
Normal Sets / Total Sets
MSTNEMissed Sets (Non Errors)
Missed sets that are not setting errors
MSTNE%Missed Set (Non Errors) %
Missed Sets (non errors) / Total Sets
STESetting Errors
A set causing a direct loss of point (i.e. set is carried)
STE%Setting Error %
Setting Errors / Total Sets
Becca Graham222-0.6700.0010.05180.8210.0520.09
Tori Farlow225-1.7500.0050.20190.7600.0010.04
Sarah Allen219-0.3320.1130.16130.6810.0500.00
Alli Rogers2210.0000.0000.00200.9510.0500.00
Name# of GamesTotal SetsSetting Plus MinusStrong SetsStrong Set %Weak SetsWeak Set %Normal SetsNormal Set %Missed Sets (Non Errors)Missed Set (Non Errors) %Setting ErrorsSetting Error %
Glossary Reference


NamePlayersG# of Games
# of Games
TSTTotal Sets
Strong Sets + Weak Sets + Normal Sets + Missed Sets + Setting Errors
STPMSetting Plus Minus
((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * Partner Put Away %)/Total Games; But if weak sets > strong sets, then: ((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * (1 - Partner Put Away %))/Total Games
SSTStrong Sets
An amazing set that salvaged a point a team was not expected to keep alive
SST%Strong Set %
Strong Sets / Total Sets
WSTWeak Sets
A poor set that missed the net or forced a bad hit
WST%Weak Set %
Weak Sets / Total Sets
NSTNormal Sets
A set that did not receive a strong or weak designation
NST%Normal Set %
Normal Sets / Total Sets
MSTNEMissed Sets (Non Errors)
Missed sets that are not setting errors
MSTNE%Missed Set (Non Errors) %
Missed Sets (non errors) / Total Sets
STESetting Errors
A set causing a direct loss of point (i.e. set is carried)
STE%Setting Error %
Setting Errors / Total Sets
Graham/RogersBecca Graham & Alli Rogers243-0.5200.0010.02380.8820.0520.05
Rally CatsTori Farlow & Sarah Allen244-2.1720.0580.18320.7310.0210.02
NamePlayers# of GamesTotal SetsSetting Plus MinusStrong SetsStrong Set %Weak SetsWeak Set %Normal SetsNormal Set %Missed Sets (Non Errors)Missed Set (Non Errors) %Setting ErrorsSetting Error %
Glossary Reference


NameG# of Games
# of Games
TSTTotal Sets
Strong Sets + Weak Sets + Normal Sets + Missed Sets + Setting Errors
STPMSetting Plus Minus
((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * Partner Put Away %)/Total Games; But if weak sets > strong sets, then: ((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * (1 - Partner Put Away %))/Total Games
SSTStrong Sets
An amazing set that salvaged a point a team was not expected to keep alive
SST%Strong Set %
Strong Sets / Total Sets
WSTWeak Sets
A poor set that missed the net or forced a bad hit
WST%Weak Set %
Weak Sets / Total Sets
NSTNormal Sets
A set that did not receive a strong or weak designation
NST%Normal Set %
Normal Sets / Total Sets
MSTNEMissed Sets (Non Errors)
Missed sets that are not setting errors
MSTNE%Missed Set (Non Errors) %
Missed Sets (non errors) / Total Sets
STESetting Errors
A set causing a direct loss of point (i.e. set is carried)
STE%Setting Error %
Setting Errors / Total Sets
Spikeball Tour Stop: Richmond 2021 Final Rally Cats vs Graham/Rogers287-2.4120.0290.10700.8030.0330.03
Name# of GamesTotal SetsSetting Plus MinusStrong SetsStrong Set %Weak SetsWeak Set %Normal SetsNormal Set %Missed Sets (Non Errors)Missed Set (Non Errors) %Setting ErrorsSetting Error %
Glossary Reference


NameTSTTotal Sets
Strong Sets + Weak Sets + Normal Sets + Missed Sets + Setting Errors
STPMSetting Plus Minus
((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * Partner Put Away %)/Total Games; But if weak sets > strong sets, then: ((Strong Sets - Weak Sets - Setting Errors) * (1 - Partner Put Away %))/Total Games
SSTStrong Sets
An amazing set that salvaged a point a team was not expected to keep alive
SST%Strong Set %
Strong Sets / Total Sets
WSTWeak Sets
A poor set that missed the net or forced a bad hit
WST%Weak Set %
Weak Sets / Total Sets
NSTNormal Sets
A set that did not receive a strong or weak designation
NST%Normal Set %
Normal Sets / Total Sets
MSTNEMissed Sets (Non Errors)
Missed sets that are not setting errors
MSTNE%Missed Set (Non Errors) %
Missed Sets (non errors) / Total Sets
STESetting Errors
A set causing a direct loss of point (i.e. set is carried)
STE%Setting Error %
Setting Errors / Total Sets
Spikeball Tour Stop: Richmond 2021 Final Rally Cats vs Graham/Rogers 145-0.4020.0430.07350.7820.0430.07
Spikeball Tour Stop: Richmond 2021 Final Rally Cats vs Graham/Rogers 242-0.8600.0060.14350.8310.0200.00
NameTotal SetsSetting Plus MinusStrong SetsStrong Set %Weak SetsWeak Set %Normal SetsNormal Set %Missed Sets (Non Errors)Missed Set (Non Errors) %Setting ErrorsSetting Error %
Glossary Reference