PRA Fall Circuit Closer

Atlanta , Georgia United States

Dec. 11, 2021

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  • Expert





Rally %


Rally % on Played Serves


Avg Rally Length


Rallies Per Game


Avg Change of Possession per Point


Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Players Teams Series Games


NameG# of Games
# of Games
TSVTotal Serves
Serves Made + Double Faults
Serves where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
A%Ace %
Aces / Total Serves
SVOServes On
Serves successfully played onto the net or played by the receiving team, regardless of 1st or 2nd serve
DFDouble Faults
Unsuccessful serves (each double fault is considered one missed serve)
SVO%Serve on %
Serves Made/Total Serves
FWRForced Weak Receives
Serves that forced a Weak Receive
FWR%Forced Weak Receive %
Forced Weak Receives / Total Serves
David Gonzales1700.00430.5700.00
Kyle Ackermann11030.30910.9010.10
Sam Bunze 1720.29340.4300.00
Sam Bunze 21740.247100.4110.06
Austin Parks1800.00530.6210.12
Nate Parks225100.4015100.6020.08
Nate Kolk1610.17420.6700.00
Zachary Davidson1600.00330.5000.00
Barak Levy1600.00420.6700.00
Trevor Clements11150.45920.8210.09
Name# of GamesTotal ServesAcesAce %Serves OnDouble FaultsServe on %Forced Weak ReceivesForced Weak Receive %
Glossary Reference


NamePlayersG# of Games
# of Games
TSVTotal Serves
Serves Made + Double Faults
Serves where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
A%Ace %
Aces / Total Serves
SVOServes On
Serves successfully played onto the net or played by the receiving team, regardless of 1st or 2nd serve
DFDouble Faults
Unsuccessful serves (each double fault is considered one missed serve)
SVO%Serve on %
Serves Made/Total Serves
FWRForced Weak Receives
Serves that forced a Weak Receive
FWR%Forced Weak Receive %
Forced Weak Receives / Total Serves
Two Eastern JitsSam Bunze & Nate Parks242140.3322200.5230.07
ChoachDavid Gonzales & Austin Parks11500.00960.6010.07
Sets AppealZachary Davidson & Barak Levy11200.00750.5800.00
True Anomalies!Kyle Ackermann & Trevor Clements12180.381830.8620.10
Two Eastern JitsSam Bunze & Nate Kolk11330.23760.5400.00
NamePlayers# of GamesTotal ServesAcesAce %Serves OnDouble FaultsServe on %Forced Weak ReceivesForced Weak Receive %
Glossary Reference


NameG# of Games
# of Games
TSVTotal Serves
Serves Made + Double Faults
Serves where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
A%Ace %
Aces / Total Serves
SVOServes On
Serves successfully played onto the net or played by the receiving team, regardless of 1st or 2nd serve
DFDouble Faults
Unsuccessful serves (each double fault is considered one missed serve)
SVO%Serve on %
Serves Made/Total Serves
FWRForced Weak Receives
Serves that forced a Weak Receive
FWR%Forced Weak Receive %
Forced Weak Receives / Total Serves
PRA Fall Circuit Closer Pool Play Two Eastern Jits vs Choach13670.1921150.5820.06
PRA Fall Circuit Closer Pool Play True Anomalies! vs Two Eastern Jits134110.322590.7420.06
PRA Fall Circuit Closer Pool Play Two Eastern Jits vs Sets Appeal13370.2117160.5220.06
Name# of GamesTotal ServesAcesAce %Serves OnDouble FaultsServe on %Forced Weak ReceivesForced Weak Receive %
Glossary Reference


NameTSVTotal Serves
Serves Made + Double Faults
Serves where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
A%Ace %
Aces / Total Serves
SVOServes On
Serves successfully played onto the net or played by the receiving team, regardless of 1st or 2nd serve
DFDouble Faults
Unsuccessful serves (each double fault is considered one missed serve)
SVO%Serve on %
Serves Made/Total Serves
FWRForced Weak Receives
Serves that forced a Weak Receive
FWR%Forced Weak Receive %
Forced Weak Receives / Total Serves
PRA Fall Circuit Closer Pool Play Two Eastern Jits vs Choach 13670.1921150.5820.06
PRA Fall Circuit Closer Pool Play True Anomalies! vs Two Eastern Jits 234110.322590.7420.06
PRA Fall Circuit Closer Pool Play Two Eastern Jits vs Sets Appeal 33370.2117160.5220.06
NameTotal ServesAcesAce %Serves OnDouble FaultsServe on %Forced Weak ReceivesForced Weak Receive %
Glossary Reference