Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2024-04-28, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Player Stats

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NameG# of Games
# of Games
TDTTotal Defensive Touches
Defensive Touches Not Returned + Defensive Touches Returned
ADTAdjusted Defensive Touches per Game
(Defensive Touches Returned + 1/2 * Defensive Touches Not Returned) / # of games
DTRDefensive Touches Returned
A defensive touch that is returned to the net
DTNRDefensive Touches Not Returned
A defensive touch that is not returned to the net
SDTStrong Defensive Touches
An amazing defensive touch that would not require a strong set to win the point or salvaged a point that was not expected to be kept alive
SDT%Strong Defensive Touch %
Strong Defensive Touches / Total Defensive Touches
WDTWeak Defensive Touches
A poor defensive touch off of a hit that was expected to returned
WDT%Weak Defensive Touch %
Weak Defensive Touches / Total Defensive Touches
DTEDefensive Touch Errors
A defensive touch that directly lost a point a team was expected to win
DTE%Defensive Touch Error %
Defensive Touch Errors / Total Defensive Touches
1Kayla Wu6192.1771200.0000.0000.00
2Grayson Wills8141.256800.0010.0700.00
3Josh Weinbach5152.5010500.0010.0700.00
4Kyle Walsh8161.1931300.0010.0600.00
5Jakub Visek8262.44131300.0000.0000.00
6Jordi Vigna273.005210.1400.0000.00
7Zac Vance491.382700.0000.0000.00
8Shannon Tubbesing231.252100.0000.0000.00
9Ian Timan3153.838700.0010.0700.00
10Bradley Thompson8282.69151300.0000.0000.00
11Brad Thompson4152.626900.0000.0000.00
12Austin Tchikatilov382.175300.0000.0000.00
13Brandon Spector4182.7541400.0000.0000.00
14Bekah Smith282.502610.1200.0000.00
15Artie Singer262.002400.0000.0000.00
Glossary Reference