Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2025-01-24, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Player Stats

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NameG# of Games
# of Games
TSVFTotal Serves Faced
Opposing server's Total Serves (Serves Made + Double Faults)
Serve receives where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
AD%Aced %
Aced / Total Serves Faced
WRWeak Receives
A poor receive that forced a difficult set to be playable
WR%Weak Receive %
Weak Receives / Total Serves Faced
NTADNo-Touch Aced
Serve receives that are not touched by the receiver (from successful serves)
NTAD%No-Touch Aced %
No-Touch Aced / Total Aced
1TAD1-Touch Aced
Serve receives that are not touched by the setter (from successful serves)
1TAD%1-Touched Aced %
1-Touch Aced / Total Serves Faced
151Alex Goates31920.1110.0510.5010.50
152Caleb Jarrett21970.3710.0530.4340.57
153Allen Iwamoto22060.3010.0520.3340.67
154Julian Krehle22120.1010.0500.0021.00
155Robin Florinda1910.1110.1111.0000.00
156Sam Bunze 11150.4510.0920.4030.60
157Nate Parks21400.0010.0700.0000.00
158Lucas Banks1800.0010.1200.0000.00
159Ken Pflaum1810.1210.1200.0011.00
160Vincent Mathieu33280.2510.0300.0081.00
161Etienne Cote1098100.1010.0160.6040.40
162Jake Woolley22000.0010.0500.0000.00
163Janet Leung33230.0910.0331.0000.00
164Paq Clifford21440.2910.0730.7510.25
165Dax O'Hair33210.0300.0011.0000.00
Glossary Reference