Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2025-03-09, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Player Stats

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NameG# of Games
# of Games
TSVFTotal Serves Faced
Opposing server's Total Serves (Serves Made + Double Faults)
Serve receives where the receiving team has 1 or 0 touches, resulting in a point for the serving team
AD%Aced %
Aced / Total Serves Faced
WRWeak Receives
A poor receive that forced a difficult set to be playable
WR%Weak Receive %
Weak Receives / Total Serves Faced
NTADNo-Touch Aced
Serve receives that are not touched by the receiver (from successful serves)
NTAD%No-Touch Aced %
No-Touch Aced / Total Aced
1TAD1-Touch Aced
Serve receives that are not touched by the setter (from successful serves)
1TAD%1-Touched Aced %
1-Touch Aced / Total Serves Faced
151Derek Johnson77180.1120.0340.5040.50
152Max Billinghurst879150.1920.0370.4780.53
153Brad Thompson44140.1010.0220.5020.50
154Jenna Coleman54220.0510.0221.0000.00
155Patric Chu44290.2110.0270.7820.22
156Andrew Card54590.2010.0250.5640.44
157David Louis15139150.1130.0280.5370.47
158Skyler Boles55320.0410.0221.0000.00
159Micah Corbett55650.0910.0251.0000.00
160Bradley Thompson85970.1210.0250.7120.29
161Kyle Walsh879180.2310.0160.33120.67
162Brian Childs108150.0610.0151.0000.00
163Grayson Wills895190.2010.0180.42100.53
164Etienne Cote1098100.1010.0160.6040.40
165Austin Parks1920.2200.0010.5010.50
Glossary Reference