Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2025-02-23, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Team Stats

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NamePlayersG# of Games
# of Games
THTotal Hits
Strong Hits + Weak Hits + Normal Hits + Missed Hits + Hitting Errors
PAPut Aways
Hits that are not returned by the defense (1 or 0 touches by the defending team)
PA%Put Away %
Put Aways / Total Hits
SHStrong Hits
An amazing hit that won a point a team was not expected to win
SH%Strong Hit %
Strong Hits / Total Hits
WHWeak Hits
A poor hit that was easily returned by the defense
WH%Weak Hit %
Weak Hits / Total Hits
NHNormal Hit
A hit that did not receive a strong or weak designation
NH%Normal Hit %
Normal Hits / Total Hits
MHMissed Hit Non Error
MH%Missed Hit Non Error %
Missed Hits / Total Hits
HEHitting Errors
A hit causing a direct loss of point (i.e. hits rim or double bounce on net)
HE%Hitting Error %
Hitting Errors / Total Hits
135 The 717Joel Graham & Caleb Heck122140.6400.0000.00200.9120.0900.00
134K2Katie Pierson & Karah Hui239240.6210.0300.00300.7750.1330.08
133Play-Doh!Colton Mowry & Brian Childs578400.5100.0000.00680.8730.0470.09
132Wabi SabiPreston Bies & Jarratt Rouse223140.6110.0400.00160.7040.1720.09
131Spicy RubiDaniel McPartland & Anthony Rentsch324170.7100.0000.00190.7940.1710.04
130In N OutChase Meyer & Dylan Keen228110.3900.0000.00200.7150.1830.11
129Under/overratedAJ Hutchinson & Andrew Christmas219120.6300.0000.00150.7930.1610.05
128Chico SpikesShaun Boyer & Skyler Boles357350.6120.0400.00490.8630.0530.05
127Seg FaultRahul Murthy & Garrett Hornok553310.5820.0400.00450.8530.0630.06
126cool hwhipNoah Luskus & Garrett Hornok593580.6200.0000.00830.8960.0640.04
125MauktegaEthan McWhirter & Grant Laughlin225170.6800.0000.00230.9220.0800.00
124Who CaresKyle Walsh & Josiah Dombach218100.5600.0000.00150.8330.1700.00
123Jenki/PiersonOlivia Jenki & Katie Pierson218130.7200.0000.00170.9410.0600.00
122El Gonzales/SingerDavid Gonzales & Artie Singer22480.3300.0000.00170.7140.1730.12
121LongshotLucas Pruett & Sunny Gu11580.5300.0000.00110.7330.2010.07
Glossary Reference