Active Filters: Adv Stats: Off, Date: 2008-01-01 to 2025-02-23, Division: Pro, Coed, Expert, Premier, Gold, Advanced, Elite, Womens, Women's

Player Stats

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NameG# of Games
# of Games
THTotal Hits
Strong Hits + Weak Hits + Normal Hits + Missed Hits + Hitting Errors
PAPut Aways
Hits that are not returned by the defense (1 or 0 touches by the defending team)
PA%Put Away %
Put Aways / Total Hits
SHStrong Hits
An amazing hit that won a point a team was not expected to win
SH%Strong Hit %
Strong Hits / Total Hits
WHWeak Hits
A poor hit that was easily returned by the defense
WH%Weak Hit %
Weak Hits / Total Hits
NHNormal Hit
A hit that did not receive a strong or weak designation
NH%Normal Hit %
Normal Hits / Total Hits
MHMissed Hit Non Error
MH%Missed Hit Non Error %
Missed Hits / Total Hits
HEHitting Errors
A hit causing a direct loss of point (i.e. hits rim or double bounce on net)
HE%Hitting Error %
Hitting Errors / Total Hits
1Luke Marshall19127810.6460.0540.031030.8160.0580.06
2Garrett Hornok22156920.5960.0400.001270.81140.0990.06
3Rahul Murthy512821560.5560.0260.022280.81300.11120.04
4Brendan Ferreira746270.5930.0700.00350.7670.1510.02
5Joe Bondi1280540.6830.0410.01670.8450.0640.05
6Coleman Epperson331921170.6130.0290.051540.80150.08110.06
7Preston Bies16121790.6530.0210.011030.8560.0580.07
8Buddy Hammon312461550.6330.0110.002070.84230.09120.05
9Addison Powers1596700.7330.0330.03810.8460.0630.03
10Kalin Miramontes984360.4330.0420.02600.71110.1380.10
11Alli Rogers674300.4120.0340.05510.6990.1280.11
12Blake Henke545260.5820.0440.09370.8210.0210.02
13Fredric Hinkle533702240.6120.0130.012990.81400.11260.07
14Travis Core19142930.6520.0130.021220.8680.0670.05
15Noah Luskus302531490.5920.0150.022060.81240.09160.06
Glossary Reference